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Carbon offset projects

We invest in two offset projects as a way of compensating for unavoidable CO2 emissions.

North Queensland - Mount Mulgrave Savanna Fire Management Project

This project helps to protect the biodiversity and cultural heritage of the region, making it a socially and environmentally responsible offset option and aims to reduce carbon emissions by reducing the risk of wildfires in the region.

This project covers general fire management planning and:

  • Fuel reduction burning used to reduce the amount of flammable material on the forest floor, helping reduce the intensity of fires.

  • Fire breaks which are created by removing vegetation or creating other physical barriers that can slow fires.

  • Fire monitoring which is regularly undertaken to identify high risk areas early.

  • Community education and engagement which works to educate the local community on fire management and the benefits of the project.

Cambodia - Southern Cardamom Forest Protection Project

This carbon offset project aims to reduce emissions by protecting and restoring the rainforest. Home to one of the most bio-diverse regions in Southeast Asia, this area hosts a variety of plant and animal species, some of which are found nowhere else on earth. By purchasing credits from this project we are helping to protect the ecosystem.

This project covers:

  • Prevention of deforestation and degradation of over 445,000 hectares in Western Cambodia which would otherwise release large amounts of carbon into the atmosphere.

  • Offering farm technique training so farmers can increase yields in smaller plots of land.

  • Improving environmental governance and programs to increase awareness about environmental education.

  • Generating verified carbon offset credits under the Verified Carbon Standard which can be purchased by companies and organisations to offset their own emissions.

  • Job creation while helping to protect the cultural heritage of the region.

Previous carbon offset projects:


  • Aak Puul Ngantan Savanna Burning, Cape York QLD

Reducing CO2 emissions through traditional Indigenous fire management on Australia's Cape York Peninsula.

  • Prony and Kafeate Wind Power, New Caledonia

This renewable energy project consists of a wind farm with 116 wind turbines that produced an estimated production of 40 GWh of emissions-free renewable electricity annually.

Verified and provided by: South Pole, the felix carbon offset and renewable electricity provider.

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