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Our tree planting projects

At felix mobile, we select reforestation projects for their social, community and environmental benefits, including here at home in Australia and overseas.

October - December 2024: Plant For A Change in New Zealand

This reforestation project provides a hands-on opportunity for school children to make a practical difference to their environment while learning about conservation, revegetation, wetland restoration, and creating habitat for native wildlife.​

Over 200 schools in New Zealand will be provided with a shade-house and germinated native seedlings to look after and learn about until it's time to plant. Then, they'll be connected with local landholders with areas in need of restoration and get to go out and plant their trees.

This project aims to improve water quality and bring life back to surrounding waterways, while protecting communities from erosion and flooding. Native animals will also benefit from improved habitat, including freshwater crayfish (koura) and whitebait (inanga), as well as bird species including the Bellbird (korimako), Fantail (piwakawaka), and Tui.

July - September 2024: Monarch Restoration Project in Mexico

Every year, millions of Monarch butterflies migrate from the US + Canada to Mexico for the winter, where they rest in high-altitude tree forests during the colder months. Unfortunately, these beautiful forests are becoming increasingly threatened by expanding agriculture, forest fires, beetle infestations and global warming. ​

This project focuses on both farmland and forest restoration, helping to improve habitats in an essential migration corridor. Working in partnership with local landowners and Indigenous communities, native tree planting will help ensure that the UNESCO Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve and surrounding areas can support and preserve this incredible natural phenomenon for future generations. ​

​Restoring these forests will help protect critical nesting grounds for Monarch butterflies, improve water filtration and watershed health, and protect vital ecosystem services for nearby communities.

April - June 2024: Australia, Koala Corridor Project in NSW Northern Rivers

We're excited to be supporting the Koala Corridor Project again this year in the Northern Rivers of NSW, aimed at improving, protecting and conserving fragmented habitat for threatened species - including the iconic Australian animal, the koala. This project will create wildlife corridors in the northern rivers of NSW, connecting Byron Bay/Bangalow to Tenterfield and Grafton, by planting both koala food trees and local rainforest trees.  
In addition to caring for our koalas, this project will also benefit other threatened species such as Glossy Black Cockatoos, Gliders, Platypus, Grey Headed Flying Fox and more. 

With the help of the amazing local communities, Bangalow Koalas and One Tree Planted, we're helping to create habitat and homes for endless amounts of animals, birds and insects. Last year we donated 83,000 trees to this project and we can’t wait to continue to support the local community!  

April - June 2024: Peru, Amazon Restoration in Indigenous Communities

With the expanding agricultural activities and increased demand for wood, forests in the Amazon are under huge amounts of pressure. This project aims to restore 520 hectares of degraded land across the Peruvian Amazon to alleviate pressure on primary standing forests, while providing a main source of income for approximately 476 families across five communities. 

On top of creating five new nurseries and planting seedlings, this project promotes a focus on community training, workshops and traditional knowledge of land management and conservation.  

Additionally, the restoration will create natural wildlife corridors for species such as the black agouti, the South American tapir, and the sira curassow. 

January - March 2024: Southeast US, Natural Disaster Recovery Tree Project

This project is dedicated to revitalising private lands that have been ravaged by natural disasters including hurricanes, wildfires, floods and more with a mission to replant native species including longleaf, shortleaf, slash, and loblolly pine. The project will aim to provide multiple environmental benefits including watershed protection, carbon sequestration and enhanced wildlife habitat. Beyond environmental considerations, it will also place a strong emphasis on supporting private landowners who lack the financial means to undertake reforestation activities independently. Selective harvests in the future will benefit rural local economies, many of which are dependent on the forestry industry for employment opportunities.

October - December 2023: Nepal, Restoring Endangered Red Panda Habitat 

Trees donated: 40,000

On average, rural Nepali people earn less than US $1 per day. This project will bring nearly eight months of employment to over 30 families with a five-times higher payment than regular income. This project will aim to restore 100 hectares of degraded habitat, benefiting endangered red pandas, the revival of at least 10 water holes for wildlife, creation of new habitats and the restoration of spring sheds providing water for local communities.  

October - December 2023: Bangladesh, One Tree for One Child  

Trees donated: 47,000

Working with volunteers, trees will be distributed and planted in the home of every newborn, or in their local area if they don’t have a backyard. The trees planted will help to increase canopy coverage to clean the air and reduce impact of extreme heat. Fruit trees in Bangladesh are also the main source of bird food and help to produce food for local communities.  

October - December 2023: Panama, Azuero Ecological Corridor Reforestation

Trees donated: 130,070

Targeting land restoration in rural Panama, this project will involve local communities in planting mixed-species forests. The focus is on rehabilitating degraded land and establishing conservation corridors to address poverty, hunger, education, gender equality, climate action, and biodiversity conservation.  

July - September 2023: India, Agroforestry to Protect Tiger Habitat

Trees donated: 34,120

This initiative aims to address the human-wildlife conflict located near the Nagarahole and Bandipur parks of India. This project will also supplement local farmer's income through the yield of seeds, fruits and timber and in the long term will significantly increase the forest cover in the fringe areas, contributing to the conservation of biodiversity.

July - September 2023: British Columbia, Nazko Wildlife Restoration

Trees donated: 244,916

The Plateau wildfire near Nazko, British Columbia in 2017 burned 545,151 hectares, with approximately 30-40% of this area experiencing a destroying fire. This project will focus on planting tree seedlings to reforest previously forested lands that were severely impacted.

April - June 2023: Koala Wildlife Corridor Project in NSW, Australia

Trees donated: 83,000

The goal of this project is to protect and grow the local koala population in the Northern Rivers of NSW, creating a koala wildlife corridor. A linkage will be formed between Byron Bay/Bangalow, heading west towards Tenterfield, north to the QLD border and south towards Grafton. The project itself includes tree planting and habitat restoration and will include both the planting of koala food trees and local rainforest trees.

Photography credit: Property Shot Photography / One Tree Planted.

April - June 2023: Guatemala, Regenerative Agroforestry Project

Trees donated: 11,122

This project is focusing on planting rows of fruit and shade trees alongside crops including ginger, turmeric, pineapple, passionfruit and more, and includes transitioning to a biodiverse organic agroforestry system bringing benefits like erosion control, improved biodiversity, carbon sequestration, wildlife habitat, water filtration and community involvement.

January - March 2023: Brazil, Agroforestry Cocoa Project

Trees donated: 188,977

Located in the state of Pará in the Amazon, this project is focusing on recovering degraded areas in small and medium sized rural properties that focus on high productivity of cocoa. This project offers many benefits, including watershed restoration, climate stability, biodiversity and habitat benefits, as well as driving social and community impact.

October – December 2022: Indonesia, Kalimantan Water Catchment Restoration

Trees donated: 162,465

Located in the buffer zone of the protected Labanan Forest, this area is home to many wonderful animals including orangutans, hornbills, eagles, bobcats, clouded leopards and more. Native trees will be planted to expand the habitat here, as well as an agroforestry system which will provide long-term economic value for the community by harvesting fruit and other non-timber forest products. Planting will also stabilise soil in the Bawan Batu River catchment, improving water quality and reducing landslide risk.

The project will be supporting community nurseries in the Merasa Village and will collaborate with a government agricultural agency to deliver capacity-building training for running a nursery. This will ensure the local community is receiving the benefit from the restoration with the goal to inspire more local villages to get involved in restoration projects.

July - September 2022: Southwest Western Australia, South Australia and Western Australia

Southwest Western Australia trees donated: 30,000 (planted 2022) and 57,357 (planted 2023)
South Australia trees donated: 30,000
Western Australia trees donated: 12,000

Ecological Restoration in Southwest Western Australia

Located in Southwest Western Australia, this project is called the Ecological Restoration Project and is working in one of the world’s top 25 biodiversity hotspots, with 50% endemism of plant species (found nowhere else on earth). Many of the species here hail from prehistoric times as the region has been unglaciated for more than 250 million years. The area itself has been historically over-cleared for agriculture, and as a result, the remaining ecosystems are fragmented and in need of expansion to support resilience for the future.

Revegetating Marna Banggara in South Australia  

This project takes place on South Australia's York Peninsula, and will work closely with the Traditional Owners of the land, the Narungga people, and is aimed at focusing on restoring native vegetation and increasing landscape connectivity, while providing important habitat for numerous threatened species including the Southern Hairy Nosed Wombat.

Threatened Species Habitat Restoration in Western Australia 

Aimed to create and enhance habitat for threatened species including the critically endangered western ringtail possum and the Carnaby's cockatoo. Plantings in riparian areas will also help to stabilise streambanks and reduce erosion. The planting in the Dumbleyung area will also help to address the spread of dryland salinity by reducing groundwater recharge at the same time as providing foraging habitat for Carnaby's cockatoos. The plantings at Margaret River, Kingston and Donnybrook will be undertaken by community volunteers which will help to engage locals in conservation initiatives while improving their understanding of the value of habitat and threatened species. The Dumbleyung plantings will be undertaken by farmers who own the land on which the tree species are being planted at. 

April – June 2022: Uganda, Plant Trees for Chimpanzees

Trees donated: 117,840

The Plant Trees for Chimpanzee’s project in Uganda is setting out to help restore a huge area of chimpanzee habitat in the Albertine Rift region of Uganda. Donations here will go towards planting trees as part of a broad long-term and large-scale initiative that will connect forests for wildlife, establish tree nurseries, strengthen forest monitoring and law enforcement to prevent future deforestation while promoting agroforestry practices that integrate trees into farming systems and much more.

January – March 2022: Bhutan, Fruits For All Project

Trees donated: 62,698

This impactful project in Bhutan will add ecological value to open, unused farmlands by planting high-value fruit trees, especially in the eastern and central regions of Bhutan where the poverty rate is high.

The reforestation approach will be focused on improving the landscape that’s deforested, degraded, and under-utilised. It will also create a bunch of additional benefits including improved food security by providing fruit and nuts to the local community, as well as clean water and carbon sequestration.

The type of trees that will be planted here include walnut, hazelnut, chestnut, cherry, plum, apple, peach, pear, avocado and mango trees.

January - March 2022: Malawi, Reforestation and Landscape Restoration Project

Trees donated: 36,484

Deforestation in Malawi is mainly caused by the need for wood for construction, production of charcoal and firewood for cooking, and this project will be focused on restoring 94 hectares of land in communities across Enyezini, Misuku, Kaswiti and Embangweni. These areas have been degraded or deforested and planting here helps to accelerate the re-establishment of healthy forests. Through reforestation, the canopy can be restored, ecosystems are made whole and biodiversity can thrive. Other benefits of this project include habitat for flora and fauna, prevention of flash floods and erosion, and riverbank stabilisation.

October – December 2021: Plant for Punjab (India) 

Trees donated: 64,267

Project Plant for Punjab is helping plant thousands of trees in villages across 12 districts of the Punjab region of India. This initiative is seeking to plant one billion trees to boost its low green cover and restore ecological balance by planting Indigenous trees.  

Our local partners through One Tree Planted do an amazing job at growing and nurturing the plant species before they are planted to ensure a high survival rate. They not only provide technical support to the village when getting the plants ready but also ensure they provide support for up to three years through watering, manure application and replanting if necessary.

April-September 2021: Southwest Western Australia
Trees donated: 98,081

This wonderful project took place in South-West of WA and is home to incredible national parks – a project we were so excited to contribute to in 2021.

Known for being a global biodiversity hotspot, this area suffered tremendous damage from decades of over-clearing for agriculture and bushfires throughout 2019-2020. 

Through One Tree Planted, we planted thousands of trees to restore bushfire impacted areas while increasing wildlife habitat, engaging the Noongar Indigenous community who are extremely knowledgeable in the management of this land.  

What’s incredible is that 50% of the plant species found in this region are not located anywhere else on our planet and are extremely unique. Restoring fire-damaged forests in South-West WA also improves watershed filtration and water quality for locals along the way. 

January-March 2021: The Andes, South America

Trees donated: 10,031

If the Amazonian forests are the lungs of the planet, then the forests of the Andes are its heart, the very source of its watery circulation system.  The forests of the high Andes capture then release rainfall, sending it in measured flow to the vast Amazon below.  

This project we were proud to be a part of, focused on the Polylepis forests – a unique and rapidly disappearing ecosystem. Spanning seven South American countries, these forests can be found as high as 4500 metres, defining the tree line for the Andes range. Often found beneath glaciers, Polylepis forests have been reduced to 3-10% of their natural range. 

Polylepis are keystone species in creating and supporting high Andean ecosystems, including wetlands. Many rare and endangered species – more than 22 species identified by IUCN as species of conservation concern – persist only in this increasingly fragmented oasis of trees. Culturally significant to high Andes indigenous peoples, Polylepis provide the overstory and main structure for forests that contain a diversity of plants valued by these communities as native foods and medicines.

Previous projects + donations: 
  • PROJECT – 778 trees donated to a project in the Philippines through One Tree Planted (December 2020)

  • DONATION - 25,000 trees donated to One Tree Planted for World Environment Day (June 2021) 

  • DONATION - 15,000 trees donated to One Tree Planted for Australian Bushfire Relief (November 2020).

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