Certified carbon neutral
Our business is certified carbon neutral through Climate Active, a partnership between the Australian government and businesses.
Our phones might look clean but the data centres and networks that power them use electricity that causes carbon emissions. We verify our electricity consumption data and purchase renewable electricity through our partner South Pole to cover the power used in providing our service, and invest in certified carbon offset projects to offset all other emissions. All of this is then certified by Climate Active.
Our every day actions can drive greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change. Offsetting is a way of compensating for unavoidable CO2 emissions by investing in projects which reduce emissions elsewhere such as reforestation or clean energy projects.
Every tonne of emissions reduced by a project results in the creation of one carbon credit. These projects must adhere to internationally recognised verification standards and a strict third-party audit in order to be awarded these offsets. At felix, we invest in certified carbon offset projects to offset our absolute emissions.
One million tonnes of CO2 is produced by phone use every year.
To read up more on our carbon neutral certification, please see our public disclosure statements.